Sunday, November 3, 2013

 Images from Oni Con Hawaii, 2013.  I had a great time!  Even though I didn't sell hundreds of bucks worth of schwag, even though the general crowd wasn't interested in my style of art, it was so much fun to meet people, to interact with brilliant cosplayers and young comic lovers, young girls diving into a world previously dominated by mid-thirties-and-forties dudes and ROCKING it, everyone being supportive and loving and fun and delightful and fabulous.

If you, gentle readers, are any of the folks thus pictured, or any of the hundreds of fabulous folks I didn't snap, and you followed the web address to check out my weird little comic world -- welcome.  You were fantastic, and so was I.

I would hang with any and all of you at any time.

For readers new and less new, hit me up on the Tumblr here, or the Facebook here, and let's all be nerds together.

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